SMB security checkup
Would your business survive a ransomware attack? What about a crashed server hard drive? Most business technology failures result from weaknesses in a few common areas. We will fix these issues, update your defenses, and make sure you have a plan to recover from disaster without paying a ransom or losing data.
Is your business a target?
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Almost half of all cyberattacks are directed at small businesses, according to data compiled by SCORE, mentors to America’s small businesses, in honor of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Macro malware is the predominant type of cybercrime affecting small businesses, with online banking and ransomware attacks trailing close behind.
The Cybersecurity Ventures annual crime report indicates that the same costs will reach $11.5 billion annually this year and $20 billion per year by 2021. Unsurprisingly, this type of year-over-year increase in anticipated damages makes ransomware the fastest-growing type of cybercrime in the past year.
According to a global study of 130 organizations by Varonis, 88% of the companies with more than 1,000,000 folders lack appropriate access limitations — leaving 100,000 folders open to everyone (all employees). The report also indicates that 58% of the companies they surveyed have more than 100,000 folders accessible to all employees.
How completeTECH will help
Even with good defenses, ransomware can still get in and lock up your data. You can still recover from a successful attack by regularly backing up all your critical files and having a plan to restore them if the live versions become unavailable.
Many ransomware attacks can we stopped by promptly patching firmware, operating system, and application vulnerabilities before they can be exploited to infect your environment.
Security software like anti-virus is the first line of defense to detect and neutralize viral code, but it is only effective if properly configured and updated.
Update your router to the latest firmware. Check wireless security settings and configuration. Ensure default passwords have been changed.